Elastomeric Coatings
What makes a coating an elastomeric?
For coatings to be considered elastomeric, they usually need to have an elasticity (the ability to stretch and contract back to form, unlike bubble gum or taffy) of no less than 100%
What is reflectivity?
Reflectivity is the ability for a product to reflect the suns damaging ultraviolet (UV) light rays away from the surface, thereby limiting the temperature increase to the surface coating. When using a quality , bright white elastomeric coating, initial reflectivity ranging from 85- 90% can be expected thereby keeping the temperature of your roof down so that there is less surface heat trying to permeate through to the interior of the building envelope.
What is emmisivity?
Emmisivity is the ability of a coating to release an absorbed heat back into the atmosphere as opposed to allowing it to permeate through the coating to the decking. When UV rays are reflected from a highly reflective coating and the heat is also released upward as opposed to being permitted to permeate through to the deck, the burden on your HVAC equipment is greatly reduced.
Are they any benefits to elastomeric coatings beyond energy saving?
Yes, in addition to substantial energy savings that can be achieved using elastomeric coatings, there are also benefits gained by providing a monolithic (seamless) membrane over the roofing surface. Many other types of roofing have seams and fasteners that can be week points, potentially allowing water to bypass the roofing area and cause damage to your deck and base structure.
Can I use Armor Coat on my roof?
Armor Coat has products for use on many types of roofs; however, Armor Coat cannot be used over silicone or tile. It is recommended that you consult with the manufacturer to check on the viability of using Armor Coat products on your roof.
What is the difference between the coating grades, what makes the AC 100 better than the AC 60?
Each of the grades of coating have different volume solids content, so the higher the volume solids, the more mils you retain on the roof for each gallon applied
What is the coverage rate of the coating?
The coverage rate can vary greatly depending on the surface the coating is being applied to, whether it is an initial coat or a recoat and how long you desire to go in between recoats. Please consult with manufacturer’s representative for specific application rate recommendations.
Do you offer warranties? How do I apply? What are the requirements?
For many of our products, Armor Coat Roof Coatings offers warranties ranging from 3 to 15 years when the products are applied to manufacturer’s specifications by a licensed and bonded roofing contractor. No warranty, whether expressed or implied in valid unless the proper request forms are filled out and approved by an ACRC representative. Please consult manufacturer for manufacturer’s specifications and any other information regarding the availability and requirements of warranties.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept most credit cards as well as company and personal checks from approved purchasers. In addition, we offer the option of ACH electronic check payments and offer terms to approved customers after they fill out an application request form. In some cases, a personal guarantee may also be required when seeking terms. (see number 16)
Do you offer custom colors?
For a small additional fee, we can make custom colors in certain products when a sample of the desired color is provided. Please note that we DO NOT guarantee EXACT matches. Also, due to the nature of roof coatings generally being designed and formulated to be white for their reflective values, the coating can only be colored to a moderately dark color. Also, please note that the application of a darker color eliminates any potential warranties from any and/or all products. Please note the LRV (Light Reflective Values) for our standard colors.
White – LRV 88
Gray – LRV 82
AZ Tan – LRV 72
Cobbler – LRV 55
Desert Tan – LRV 30
What stock colors of coating do you carry?
While we do not stock each color in every product, we do stock 3 grades of tan (AZ tan, Cobbler and Desert Tan) and one shade of gray. Samples of each of these are available upon request.
What kind of sundries/accessories do you carry?
Armor Coat carries a variety of sundries to help you with your applications needs. Please consult with manufacturer for assistance with what we carry and what your needs may be.
Can you deliver? What is the minimum order?
Armor Coat delivers products free of charge anywhere within greater Phoenix and the surrounding areas. Please note that there any minimum purchase requirements based on the delivery distance from the manufacturing plant, located in Southeast Phoenix. Armor Coat does not deliver, even for a charge, for orders that do not meet the minimum requirements. Should you need product delivered outside of the normal delivery area or for smaller orders, Armor Coat can assist you with outsourced delivery options to either be paid directly by the customer or with approval to have these delivery charges added to your invoice.
Do I have to use a primer?
While a primer is not always required, it is often recommended for improved adhesion. Please consult with manufacturer for recommendation regarding the use of a primer.
How long does the coating take to cure before I can do a second coat?
While elastomeric coatings can generally take as much as 30 days to fully cure, it is often safe to walk of the surface to apply any subsequent coats in as little as eight hours, depending on the rate of application and ambient conditions. Please note that you should never walk in coating when it is still wet to the touch or when coating under the cured surface area (skin) can still be felt to be soft (uncured).
Can I apply for credit/financing?
Anyone can apply for credit terms by filling out an application request. Not everyone who applies will be granted credit. The credit limit can vary depending on desired limits and the results of the credit search. Some people may be required to also sign the personal guarantee portion of the application to establish a credit account. Credit terms will be set by Armor Coat at the time of the account being approved and opened.
What kind of savings might I expect from using Armor Coat?
Energy savings and efficiency of a building are affected by many properties including insulation of the walls, types of windows, how well sealed the building is in addition to other factors. That being said, depending on the type and color of your existing roof using spray-in-place foam along with a white elastomeric coating can increase the efficiency of your roof by as much as 50% or more.
How often should my roof be recoated?
It is recommended that your roof with elastomeric coating be inspected no less than every six months and that it be recoated every 5 to 10 years, depending on your last application.
What should I be looking for in a “quality” roof coating?
This can be a tricky question as there are many things to consider when comparing elastomeric coatings. Any coating applied directly over spray-in-place foam should be made using an 100% acrylic resin and should be designed for direct use over foam. When comparing coatings, the VOLUME solids content is generally the best way to compare. The higher the volume solids, the more coating is left on the roof after curing. This should not be confused with weight solids as weight solids will be higher and are not as relevant to the end user. Since weight solids are generally a higher number, some manufacturers try to mislead the consumer by putting the weight solids number only or simply putting a “solids” number without referring to weight or volume. We recommend either having the manufacturer clarify what the volume solids are for proper comparison or avoiding using that product. Quality coatings should have no less than a 50% volume content with many going as high as 58% volume solids.
What are the primary benefits of elastomeric coating versus some other roofing options.
Elastomeric coatings have many beneficial attributes that cannot all be found in most other roofing options. Elastomeric coatings can be maintained essentially for the life of the roof by adhering to proper maintenance and recoating at the appropriate time(s). Elastomeric coatings also provide a monolithic (seamless) roof as opposed to many rolled or sheeted products. It is these seams that often lead to areas of concern as a seam issue can allow water to penetrate and defeat the roofing system. Elastomeric coatings, when applied in the standard color of white (usually recommended) can reduce the surface temperature of the roof by more than 100°F.
Sprayed-in place Polyurethane Foam (SPF)
How many squares do you get out of a kit?
While the coverage can vary depending on the applicator, spray equipment used as well as the environmental conditions, a kit of foam should generally provide approximately 25-28 squares (2500-2800 square feet).
What is the R Value of the foam?
Sprayed-in-place polyurethane foam has an aged R-value of 6.3 for every 1” thickness.
What are the benefits of SPF?
Much like elastomeric coatings, SPF provides a monolithic (seamless) roofing surface which greatly reduces the ability of water to penetrate to the building envelope. Even more importantly, SPF provides an excellent energy savings by adding R-value to the area it is applied. SPF can be applied to many areas where a more traditional insulation may not be possible or as effective. One of the best examples of this is on flat or low pitch roofs where little to no attic space is available.
How thick should my foam be applied?
While there is essentially no maximum thickness to an application of SPF, the SPF is recommended to be sprayed with no less than 1” in average total thickness. Additionally, it is recommended that the SPF not be sprayed in passes of less than 1/3” per pass to achieve the recommended minimum of 1”. Therefore, no more than 3 passes should be required to achieve the minimum thickness. Spraying a higher number of thinner passes may result in delamination (separation) between layers.
What is foam density?
Density of foam is measured in pounds. The density comes from the weight of the foam in a 12” square block. The heavier the density, the more weight it will hold without deforming. Depending on the application, foams can range from less than ½ lb all the way up to 80 lb. pour foams. The typical foam for a roofing application should be between 2.5 and 3.0 lbs. Anything less than a 2.5 lb. foam should be reserved for vertical surface insulation.
Can I leave my SPF exposed (uncoated) to the elements?
While it may be acceptable to leave some wall foam uncoated (see local building codes) when it is not exposed to UV rays, it is always recommended to apply a UV reflective coating that was manufactured using resins specifically designed for application directly over SPF within 48 hours of the foam being sprayed. SPF does not hold up to UV exposure and will begin to break down and lose some valuable properties after only short periods of UV exposure.